Carnation and Phalaepnosis Bouquet
- $145.00
This gorgeous light pink carnation bouquet is specially curated for the inspiring, selfless and strong mothers. The pink color symbolizes Mother-like love and pink carnations express gratitude.
It is a feminine and cheerful combination of pink carnation, tanacetum, white angel hair and gorgeous white phalaepnosis orchid.
Height: 55cm
Width: 40cm
Each arrangement is made specially and exclusively for you.
All flowers are subject to seasonal availability. We may not always have the exact flowers or color shade as shown.
Final product may not resemble picture shown entirely.
Available Options
- Keep fresh flowers away from direct sunlight.
- Keep flowers in cool areas.
- Upon receiving our flower bouquet, unwrap with care.
- Trim at least half inch of stem off your flowers before you arrange them in a vase and each time you change the water. Replace the water in vase daily.
- Avoid placing your flowers beside ripening fruit or vegetables.